芳草地画廊 × 跨越空间
Parkview Green Art × Cross Art Space
Cordially invite you to visit
上海ART021艺术博览会 P15展位
Booth P15 at ART021 2021
11.11周四 Thu. 14:00-20:0011.12
周五 Fri. 13:00-20:00
11.13周六 Sat. 11:00-18:0011.14
周日 Sun. 11:00-18:00
地点 | VENUE 上海展览中心 (上海延安中路1000号)
Shanghai Exhibition Center
Yan‘an Middle Road No.1000, Jing’an, Shanghai, China
芳草地画廊 × 跨越空间 (Parview Green Art × Cross Art Space) 将携艺术家康蕾、卢征远、郑路、黄莎莉、李捷亮相2021 ART021上海廿一当代艺术博览会策展单元展位 P15。
Parkview Green Art × Cross Art Space will present the artists Kang Lei, Lu Zhengyuan, Zheng Lu, Sally Huang Wong and Li Jie at the Booth P15 for an exhibition specifically curated for the Shanghai Contemporary Art Fair ART021.
The original aim of this exhibition titled “Flowers and Four Seasons Song” is to promote a deep exchange between Asia and Latin America. Panama is located on the Pacific coast, near the equator. The oceanic climate of the tropics determines the alternation between dry and rainy season every year. Rain and sunlight create the conditions for the flowers to blossom all year round. Among the local famous flowers there are flowering plants called Cyclanthaceae and Panama Roses. The dry and large inland areas of Asia are characterized by a continental climate. The clear distinction between four seasons determines a multifaceted natural landscape which changes at a regular rhythm. These natural characteristics shape a creative attitude characterized by a tendency to introspection.
“The exhibited works revolves around flowers and songs, thus bestowing the exhibition context with a poetic atmosphere. Kang Lei, through a skilful combination of western traditional tempera with Chinese traditional painting techniques, carries out in her works an observation and a metaphorical description of nature and society. Through a synesthetic expressive technique, she depicts the emotional character of nature. Fascinated by the dichotomy between representation and reality, the artist Lu Zhengyuan will show marble sculptures like Island and Horn. Zheng Lu uses graphics generated by CFD (computational fluid dynamics) to create grid-based installations with the aim to attempt to understand the world through sculpture. Emerging artists such as Li Jie and Sally Huang Wong, through their creative use of colours, collage and juxtaposition, focus on memories of the past characterized by vitality and sadness, while elaborating a personal and unique emotional narrative through their works. Just like the Latin American poet Roberto Bola valos used to say “I exist / among the trees that are not trees / that I create”.
康蕾 Kang Lei 乐园·仙人掌 No.1
Paradise-Cactus No.1 2016
布面坦培拉 Tempera on canvas Φ100 cm
康蕾 Kang Lei 乐园·辑录4&3
Paradise-Collection Series No.4&No.3 2020
布面丙烯 Acrylic on canvas 40 × 40 cm each
卢征远 Lu Zhengyuan 号角 Horn 2016
大理石 Marble 100 × 83 × 55 cm
郑路 Zheng Lu NACA0012B 2019
不锈钢,钛 Stainless steel, titanium
100 × 83 × 55 cm
黄莎莉 Sally Huang Wong 雨林之歌 No.10
Songs in the Rainforest No.10 2017
Acrylic and Kuhnam Indian Mola on canvas
150 × 200 cm
黄莎莉 Sally Huang Wong 丛林鸣翠鸟 No.7
Kingfishers Sing in the Jungle No.7 2020
综合材料 Mixed media 80 × 60 cm
李捷 Li Jie 簇 No.3 Cluster No.3 2021布面油画 Oil on canvas 30 × 30 cm
文章来源: 芳草地画廊
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